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}1 ______________ ________________________________
\ /\ \ \
\ / \ \ \
\ / \ \ _________________ \
/ _____________ / / /\
/ / / / / / / \
/ / / / / / / \
/ / / / /
_____________________________________________/ /
\ \ \ \ /
\ \ \ \ /
}1 Typed and edited by DIT
& Fireflash
}6 For LSD
Part 1
}1 Made into an AmigaGuide file by DIT 23-11-1993
All Figures by DIT 23-11-1993
Part 1, Learning Money Matters
Chapter 1- Introduction
1.1 Welcome to Money Matters 13
1.2 Machine Requirements 14
1.3 Conventions Used in This Book 15
1.4 Terminology Used in This Book 16
Chapter 2 - Setting up Money Matters
2.1 What You Should Already Know 19
2.2 Preparing to Use Money Matters 20
2.3 Installing Money Matters 21
2.3.1 Floppy Disk Users 21
2.3.2 Hard Disk Users 21
2.4 To Start Money Matters 22
Chapter 3 - Quickstart 25
Chapter 4 - Tutorial
4.1 What's on The Screen 29
4.2 Creating a New File 30
4.3 Asking For Help 33
4.4 Setting up Accounts 35
4.5 Setting up Income And Expenditure Types 39
4.6 Setting up Regular Transactions 42
4.7 Saving Information 46
4.8 Setting up Budgets 46
4.9 The Calculator 50
4.10 The Interest Calculator 51
4.11 Entering Transactions 52
4.12 Setting Transaction Window Display Headers 58
4.13 Finding Transactions 59
4.14 Finding And Replacing Transactions 60
4.15 Reconciling Transactions 61
4.16 Setting Transaction Defaults 63
4.17 Function Keys 65
4.18 Setting up Investments 66
4.19 Multiple Windows 66
4.20 Arranging Windows 67
4.21 Workbench icons 68
4.22 Setting up Your Printer 69
4.23 Reports 71
4.24 Setting Preferences 75
Chapter 5 - Looking After Your Finances
5.1 The Secret to Good Housekeeping
5.1.1 Plan Your Budget, Budget Your Spending 75
5.1.2 Budget Checklist 76
5.2 Getting Credit 77
5.3 Credit Guide 78
5.4 Tips For Better Borrowing 80
5.5 Cancelling a Loan 81
5.6 General Tips
5.6.1 Loan Insurance 82
5.6.2 Annual Percentage Rate 82
5.6.3 What if You Are Turned Down For Credit 82
5.7 Debt - a Survival Guide
5.7.1 If You Get Into Too Much Debt 83
5.7.2 Six Step Emergency Plan 83
5.7.3 Borrowing Again to Get Out of Debt 84
5.7.4 Coping With Debt 85
5.7.5 Loan Sharks 85
5.8 Using Money Matters 86
Chapter 6 - General
6.1 The Desktop
6.1.1 Menu Bar 95
6.1.2 Icons 96
6.1.3 Dustbin 98
6.2 The Requesters
6.2.1 Text Entry Boxes 99
6.2.2 Radio Buttons 99
6.2.3 Check Boxes 99
6.2.4 Cycle Buttons 100
6.2.5 List Boxes 100
6.2.6 Alert Boxes 101
6.3 Editing Windows 102
6.4 The Notepad 103
6.5 The File Selector 104
Page iv
Chapter 7 - Menu Commands
7.1 Project menu
7.1.1 About Money Matters 107
7.1.2 New 107
7.1.3 Open 107
7.1.4 Save 108
7.1.5 Save as 108
7.1.6 Delete 109
7.1.7 Open Comparatives 110
7.1.8 Clear Comparatives 111
7.1.9 Quit 111
7.2 Edit Menu
7.2.1 Add 112
7.2.2 Amend 112
7.2.3 Delete 112
7.2.4 Sort 112
7.2.5 Find 113
7.2.6 Find Again 114
7.2.7 Find And Replace 114
7.2.8 Empty Dustbin 115
7.3 Setup Menu
7.3.1 Add Account 116
7.3.2 Amend Account 118
7.3.3 Delete Account 118
7.3.4 Transaction Types 118
7.3.5 Transaction Markers 119
7.3.6 Regular Transactions 119
7.3.7 Budget 121
7.3.8 Investments 122
7.3.9 VAT Code 123
7.3.10 Window Headers 124
7.3.11 Function Keys 125
7.3.12 Password 126
7.4 Trans Menu
7.4.1 Set Defaults 127
7.4.2 Add or Amend 128
7.4.3 Reconcile 129
7.4.4 Delete 130
7.4.5 Auto Balance 130
7.4.6 Auto Balance Again 131
7.4.7 What if 131
7.5 Report Menu 133
7.5.1 Types 133
7.5.2 Markers 133
7.5.3 Budget 133
7.5.4 Regular Transactions 134
7.5 Report Menu - continued
7.5.5 VAT codes 134
7.5.6 Account Summary 134
7.5.7 Account Statement 134
7.5.8 Transaction List 136
7.5.9 Income and Expenditure 138
7.5.10 Budget Progress 140
7.5.11 VAT 142
7.5.12 Portfolio 143
7.5.13 Net Worth 143
7.6 System Menu
7.6.1 Help 144
7.6.2 Calculator 145
7.6.3 Interest Calculator 145
7.6.4 Set Date Time 146
7.6.5 Playtime 146
7.6.6 Amiga Workbench Open 146
7.6.7 Open a New Shell 147
7.7 Settings Menu
7.7.1 Create Icons 148
7.7.2 Icons 148
7.7.3 Cleanup Desktop 148
7.7.4 Arrange Windows 148
7.7.5 File 148
7.7.6 Printer 149
7.7.7 Screen Mode 149
7.7.8 Colours 149
7.7.9 General 150
7.7.10 Goodies 150
7.7.11 Load 151
7.7.12 Save 151
7.7.13 Save As 151
Appendix A -- Memory And Home Accounts2 155
What is Memory? 155
How Home Accounts2 Uses Memory 155
Appendix B -- Keyboard Shortcuts 157
Appendix C -- File Format 159
ASCII Text Format 159
IFF Format 159
Home Accounts Format 159
Appendix D -- Troubleshooting 160
Appendix E -- Getting Technical Support 162
The Glossary 167
Terms And Conditions of Sale 178
Index 181
Chapter 1
This chapter gives details about Money Matters and this book.
* Product support and registration.
* Welcome to Money Matters.
* Machine requirements.
* Conventions used in this book.
* Terminology used in this book.
1.1 Product Support and Registration
Complete and post your prepaid registration card and get:
* Technical support.
* Special software offers.
* Notification of upgrades.
Return the registration card supplied with Money Matters (which contains
your unique ID number), to qualify for technical support. Support is free
for the first 60 days of ownership and includes access to our telephone
support line.
When you choose Digita, you're getting more than just a great product,
you're getting a company committed to providing the best possible
customer service and support for your product. We want you to get the most
from your Digita software. As a registered user, we'll help you get it.
Money matters makes use of the most advanced technology available today.
As the technology improves, so does Money Matters, making it even more
powerful and easy to use. As a registered Digita user, you can reap the
benefits of our ongoing research as it happens.
In most cases, the update or enhanced version will be available to you
at a special price. Only registered users can receive these special
update notices.
One of the really great things about Money Matters is that if you have
a problem, we're here to help you. However, before contacting technical
support, check:
* Chapter 5.8 - Using Money Matters.
* Appendix D - Troubleshooting.
* Appendix E - Getting Technical Support.
Under no circumstances can we provide either telephone or written
product support to unregistered users.
1.2 Welcome to Money Matters
Congratulations! You will soon be using the most popular financial
software ever written for the Amiga.
If you read nothing else, at least study Chapter 3,
Trying to work out personal finances has always been a chore everyone
dreads at the end of the month, but, not any longer. Like 50,000 people
before you, you can now use Money Matters to take to control of your
finances. Welcome to the fold.
Your Money Matters package should consist of:
* This Money Matters instruction book.
* Product registration card
* One program disk.
* Workbench 3 look and feel, with comprehensive AGA support.
* HIP (TM) (Human Interface Protocol), a graphical environment which
integrates the desktop and automates the way you work. Predictable,
consistent, you will find HIP both
friendly and intuitive.
* Monthly cash flow and projection reports.
* New 3D icons for major functions.
* Comprehensive reporting and graphics.
* Colour pie charts, bar graphs, line graphs and scatter graphs.
* Capacity limited only by the memory of your Amiga.
* Extensive budgeting facilities.
* Optional password.
* Optional VAT facility.
* On-line help.
* Calculator, with interest and loan repayment computation.
1.3 Machine Requirements
* Commodore Amiga
* Workbench 2 or 3.
* 1MB RAM.
* Printer (optional).
* Mono or colour TV/monitor.
The capacity of Money Matters is limited only by your imagination and
the amount of memory available in your Amiga.
1.4 Conventions used in this book
* Square-bulleted lists provide information
* Italics generally indicates words or characters you enter. For
example, "type Petrol in the reference box".
Italics is also used to indicate program or drawer names. For example,
"use the Set map program in your utilities drawer."
* Pointer refers to the arrow ( ) which you move with the mouse when
choosing from menus, or when you click icons on the desktop.
* Combination key presses are expressed, for example as Right Amiga-Q.
This means hold down the Right Amiga key and press the Q key. Then
release both keys.
* Text consisting of more than one word, that appears on the screen when
using Money Matters, is enclosed by quotation marks (for example "Set
up" menu or "Start a new year?").
* Drawers and directories are the same, drawers being the name used with
Workbench and directories when using the Shell. In this book we refer
to drawers
* Buttons on the mouse are referred to as Mouse keys; the right being the
Menu Mouse key or Right Mouse key; the left being the Select Mouse key
or Left Mouse key.
1.5 Terminology used in this book
* Account refers to your own sources of money. For example, a bank
account, a credit or charge card, a store card, an investment or
building society account.
* Budget refers to the amount you estimate you will be spending. For
example, a budget for a summer holiday.
* Manual transaction refers to a money transaction which occurs once.
For example, writing a cheque to buy some food, buying a radio using a
credit card.
* Notepad refers to the facility in Money Matters to save a few lines of
text. For example, you can set up a Notepad for your bank account -
this may contain the bank's address and the name of the local manager.
* Reconciled refers to any money transaction which you know has been
processed. For example, if you paid for something by credit card, the
transaction is considered Reconciled when the money has been
transferred out of your account. (Normally you would only know this
when you receive your statement and the transaction appears on it). By
differentiating between Reconciled and Unreconciled transactions,
Money Matters can provide you with both up-to-date account balances,
and actual balances to match the statements you receive. Compare
* Regular transaction refers to a money transaction which occurs
regularly. For example, a standing order to pay off a loan, a monthly
mortgage payment.
* Type refers to the groups into which you allocate your income and
expenditure. For example, you probably want to analyse your spending
over different headings, such as Food, Petrol, Housekeeping.
* Unreconciled refers to any money transaction for which you have not
received confirmation that it has been processed. For example, you may
have written a cheque for something, but it has not yet gone through
to your bank account. Compare Reconciled.
* A full glossary appears at the rear of this book.
Chapter 2
Setting Up Money Matters
This chapter will show you how to set up Money Matters on floppy disk
and hard disk Amiga systems.
* What you should already know.
* Preparing to use Money Matters.
* Installing Money Matters for the first time.
* Starting Money Matters.
2.1 What you should already know
To set up Money Matters on your Amiga, you need an understanding of
basic Amiga concepts. Before you begin, you should know how to:
* Use icons on Workbench desktop.
* Use the mouse to point, drag, click and double-click.
* Start and quit from applications using Amiga Workbench.
* Initialize and copy disks using the Shell (CLI).
* Select menus, pull down menus and choose menu commands.
* Scroll in windows, resize and reposition, and close windows.
If you are not familiar with any of these terms or processes,
see your Amiga owner's guide.
2.2 Preparing to use Money Matters
Make a backup copy of your master disk.
It is important to work with a copy of your Money Matters disk rather
than the original. If the copy is damaged or lost, you can go back to the
original and make another copy.
Before copying the master disk, slide up the small tab in the upper-left
corner on the back of the disk so that it is in the uppermost position
(the tab will no longer be visible from the front side of the disk). This
locks information on the disk, preventing accidental deletion of files
and documents.
Copy the disk as follows:
Switch on your Amiga and insert the Amiga disk titled WORKBENCH. Open a
Shell by double-clicking its icon from the SYSTEM DRAWER and type:
SYS:SYSTEM/DISKCOPY FROM DF0: TO DF0: and press the Return key.
Place the original master disk in the internal disk drive and when
prompted, press the Return key. Follow the on-screen instructions.
Put the original disk away in a safe place.
Now check on the Money Matters disk for a READ.ME file. If it exists, it
will contain important additional information.
2.3 Installing Money Matters
You have been provided with a single program disk, you will also need a
separate disk to store your information. This is referred to as a "data
2.3.1 Floppy Disk Users
This procedure assumes you are using the back-up copy of your program
disk (as explained earlier).
Switch on your Amiga and insert your copy of your Money Matters disk
into the internal disk drive. Double-click the disk icon and then double-
click the Money Matters drawer. Double-click the Money Matters icon to
start Money Matters.
2.3.2 Hard Disk Users
You will need about 1MB of free space to install Money Matters on your
hard disk.
Simply copying the contents of the disk onto your hard disk will not be
sufficient for Money Matters to work correctly. You must use the INSTALL
The installation program copies Money Matters onto your hard disk and a
selection of sample files into the SAMPLES drawer.
Switch on your computer and wait for Workbench to appear as normal.
When Workbench appears, insert the disk titled Money Matters. Double-
click the icon titled INSTALL MONEY MATTERS.
When prompted, click the button titled "On a hard disk", and then click
the Proceed button.
You will be prompted to select the destination for Money Matters (where
you wish Money Matters program and sample files to be located on your
hard disk).
A message will appear to confirm that the installation has been
successfully completed.
2.4 To Start Money Matters
The very first time you start Money Matters, you will be prompted to
* Your name.
* The name of your organisation. (If this is not applicable, enter your
name again.)
* Your license number (this appears at the back of this book, next to
the registration card).
* Click OK.
Once you have personalised the program, your name will appear every time
you start Money Matters, confirming that you are a registered licensed
user. If you do not personalize Money Matters correctly, you will be
returned to the Amiga Workbench.
It is necessary to complete each box of the personalization screen.
Chapter 3 Quickstart
This chapter gives brief instructions for installing and using Money
Matters. It assumes a good knowledge of the Amiga computer and general
familiarity with home finance programs.
If, like many users, you only read the operating instructions in an
emergency, at least follow these instructions:
Fill in your registration card and send it to Digita (only registered
users can receive upgrades and hot-line product support).
Refer to Appendix B, "Keyboard Shortcuts".
Check on the Money Matters disk for a READ.ME file. If it exists, it
will contain important additional information.
When you start Money Matters for the first time, you will be asked to
personalise the program and when prompted, enter your name, the name
of your organisation and your license number. Your license number is
located at the rear of the book, next to the registration card.
If you already use Home Accounts or Home Accounts2, you'll find it
quite painless to start using Money Matters. If, however, you have
any problems, press Help. This provides a simple memory jogger.
Use the index in the book to look up any specific features which are
not obvious to you.
Chapter 4 Tutorial
In the chapter you'll learn all about Money Matters. It should take you
a couple of hours.
4.1 The tutorial
This tutorial assumes you have:
* Successfully installed Money Matters.
* Studied the READ.ME file (if it exists).
* Personalised your copy of Money Matters.
* A blank formatted disk titled Mydata.
Started Money Matters.
Follow this tutorial closely and do not try to modify the
application until you finish. This tutorial purposely illustrates a
wide variety of the features of Money Matters.
This is what should be on screen
See Figure 4-1 Money Matters opening screen
If you cannot get this screen, refer to Chapters 1 and 2.
4.1 What's on The screen
The requester requests the current date and time. The text box titled
"Current date" should be highlighted; if it isn't, click inside it with
the Left Mouse key.
For the tutorial to work correctly you should set the date to 1st April,
1993. To do this enter 01041993. As you enter the first number notice
that the mouse pointer disappears and the text box changes to / / and
indicates you are now in edit mode.
When editing, note these keyboard shortcuts:
---------------------- ---------------------------------
Left Arrow Move cursor left
Right Arrow "" "" right
Up Arrow Move to Previous text box
Down Arrow or Move to next text box
Tab or the Return key
Shift-Left Arrow Move to start of text box
Shift-Right Arrow Move to end of text box
Right Amiga-X Clear text box
Right Amiga-Q Restore text box settings
Control-Right Amiga-Q Restore box to contents before
Backspace Delete character to the left
Delete Delete current character
F1 Edit contents of text box
F2 Toggle between insert and overtype
Enter Move to next text box and can be used
to select the default button When exiting
a requester
If you wish to edit an entry simply click in the appropriate box to
highlight it and then press F1.
Now press the Return key, this completes the entry for the "Current
date" and moves the cursor into the "Current time" Type the current time
in 24 hour style, hrs:mins:secs (for example, 201500) and press the
Return key.
Remember, whenever you type information into a box or a requester, you
must complete the entry by pressing the Return ket (or Tab key). If you
type an entry without pressing the Return key, the entry will be ignored
when you exit the requester.
Click OK, the requester disappears leaving the blank desktop and menu
bar. However, the requester will not disappear if you typed an invalid
date or time.
4.2 Creating a new file
Press the Right mouse key and move the pointer onto the menu bar and
choose New from the Project menu.
The file requester looks like this:
See Figure 4-2 "File selector" requester
This is used whenever you create a new file, or open or save existing
Click the Drawer text box, delete its contents and type MYDATA: (type
this exactly as it is written, with no spaces and ending with a colon),
and press the Return key.
When prompted insert the disk titled MYDATA. If the system continues to
ask for volume MYDATA then this indicates the disk has not been renamed
correctly. Rename the disk and try again.
Click the "File name" text box and type MYFILE and press the Return key.
Click OK.
The form shown on the screen is an alert box and is used to ask simple
questions or give warnings where only a button click response is
necessary (requesters are used where more information, such as a date, is
It provides the option to load an existing configuration from another
Money Matters file (you would normally use this to load a configuration
from a previous year's file).
See Figure 4-3 Alert box
Notice that the No box is surrounded by a black line. This indicates
that it is the default choice, and therefore may also be selected by
pressing the Enter key.
Press the Enter key or click No.
When Money Matters has finished creating the new file, your screen
should look like this:
See Figure 4-4 Money Matters desktop
These are the standard icons which appear on the desktop:
Printer, Help, Calculator, Types, Markers, Regular, Budget, Investment
and Trashcan.
4.3 Asking for Help
At any time you want information about a command or option, you can ask
Money Matters for help. If you are using a single disk drive system, an
alert box may appear asking you to insert your Money Matters disk into
the disk drive.
step 1
Hold down the Alt key and press the Help key. Notice the pointer changes
to a question mark (?).
step 2
Choose a command from the menu, for example "Add account" from the "Set
up" menu. Information appears in a box, which you can scroll through like
a normal list box. To the right of the list box are several buttons. The
Next and Prev buttons will display the next, or previous topic of Help,
and the Topics button will display the topics list.
See Figure 4-5 Help list box
Click the Topics button, this lists all the topics for which Help is
available. Click any topic with which you need help. Click Exit to return
to the desktop.
You can also ask Money Matters for help by double-clicking the Help icon
on the desktop or pressing the Help key.
4.4 Setting Up Accounts
From the "Set up" menu choose "Add account". This is used to set up bank
accounts, credit card accounts and so on.
See Figure 4-6 "Add account" requester
The Name box should be highlighted, enter Natwest Current Account and
press the Return key. Type 77777 in the Number box and press the Return
If you wish to edit an entry simply click in the appropriate box to
highlight it and then press F1.
The box titled Code allows you to enter a 2 character reference code
that is used in other areas of the program, such as budgeting or standing
orders. Type NC (Natwest Current) and press the Return key.
Enter 425.98 in the "Opening balance" box and press the Return key.
"Warning limit min" allows a minimum Account balance to be set, if the
balance drops below this amount, a warning will be given. Type -500 and
press the Return key.
The "Warning limit max" allows a maximum Account balance to be set, if
the balance exceeds this amount, a warning will be given. Type 1500 and
press the Return key. The minimum and maximum warning limits are
currently not active, so switch them on by clicking in the check boxes to
the right. A tick indicates that the warning is active.
The Type button is a cycle button and may be changed by clicking on the
circular arrow. As the name suggests, a cycle button is used to step
through a list until the desired item is found. This is currently set to
Cash. The Account you have set up is a cheque Account, therefore click
the box to select Cheque.
The "Icon title" box lets you set the title for the desktop icon, type
NATWEST and press the Return key.
step 8
The "Reference number" box can be used to type the starting
cheque number. Type 765534 and press return. Click the Add button, this
adds the Account to your file and displays a second empty requester.
Remember, when in edit mode you can use the following
---------------------- ---------------------------------
Left Arrow Move cursor left
Right Arrow "" "" right
Up Arrow Move to Previous text box
Down Arrow or Move to next text box
Tab or the Return key
Shift-Left Arrow Move to start of text box
Shift-Right Arrow Move to end of text box
Right Amiga-X Clear text box
Right Amiga-Q Restore text box settings
Control-Right Amiga-Q Restore box to contents before
Backspace Delete character to the left
Delete Delete current character
F1 Edit contents of text box
F2 Toggle between insert and overtype
Enter Move to next text box and can be used
to select the default button to exit
a requester
Now type another Account with the following information:
Name : Halifax savings
Number: 111111
Code : HS
Opening Balance: 2500
Warning Limit Min: 500
Warning Limit Max: 0
Type: Savings
Icon Title: HALIFAX
Cheque Number: 0
Set the "Warning limit min" check box (a tick appears) and click Add.
Now add another Account:
Name: Access card
Number: 5224 2222 3333 4444
Code: AC
Opening Balance: 0
Warning Limit Min: -500
Warning limit Max: 0
Type: Credit Card
Cheque Number: 0
Set the "Warning limit min" check box (a tick appears). Press F10 and
the Notepad will appear.
See Figure 4-7 Notepad requester
Notepad lets you type up to 8 lines of additional information. Type the
TO 750, LETTER SENT 24/03/1993 press the return key
Notepad is a good example of one requester overlaying another.
Sometimes, you may wish to move the requester to view information in
another requester behind. You do this by clicking the mouse in the centre
of the bar at the top of the requester (in this case titled Notepad).
Keep the Left Mouse key depressed and move the mouse pointer. When the
mouse key is released, the requester will reappear in the new position.
Click OK (or press Enter) to quit the Notepad. Then click Add and when a
new requester appears, click Quit.
The desktop should now contain three additional icons (Accounts)
Natwest, Halifax and Access Card.
4.5 Setting up Income and Expenditure Types.
From the "Set up" menu choose the "Transaction types" command.
See Figure 4-8 Types window
A Type (called Tran) already exists. This is used to transfer amounts
between Accounts and you will learn later about this feature. Before
entering transactions, you need to set up income and expenditure Types.
Types consist of four character abbreviations and a reference, and are
used to describe different categories of income and expenditure when
entering transactions.
To add a Type, choose add from the Edit menu. Type SAL and press the
return key. In the reference box type SALARY and press the RETURN key.
Click Add.
See Figure 4-9 "Add types" requester
Now add the following types and references in the same way.
--------------- ----------------------------
HK House keeping
CL Clothes
PTRL Petrol
MISC Miscellaneous
TAX Local tax
CARI Car insurance
CARE Car expenses
CARL Car loan
ENT Entertainment
CASH Cash withdraw;
HOBB Hobbies and interests
HOLI Holidays
CDS Compact discs
BCHG Bank charges
INT Interest
GIFT Gifts
Click Quit.
The types should now appear alphabetically in the window.
See Figure 4-10 Types window, showing Types
There is no Reference for Comp. To add the Reference, click Comp (to
highlight it), then choose the Amend command from the Edit menu. Comp is
displayed in a requester ready for amendment. (A quicker way to make an
amendment is to double-click the Type.)
Press the Return key to move down to the Reference box and type COMPUTER
ACCESSORIES. Press the Return key and click OK.
Types are automatically displayed in alphabetical order. You can change
the order by choosing the Sort command from the Edit menu.
The Header cycle button lets you set the heading for sorting. The second
cycle button sets the order, either ascending or descending.
Click Cancel, and close the Types window by clicking the window closer
in the top left corner of the window.
4.6 Setting up Regular Transactions
Choose "Regular transactions" from the "Set up" menu.
See Figure 4-11 "Regular transactions" window
"Regular transactions", are transactions that occur on a regular basis,
such as, for example, a standing order, direct debit, loan repayment,
mortgage repayment.
To add a "Regular transaction" choose Add from the Edit menu.
See Figure 4-12 "Add regular transactions" requester
Imagine you have a monthly standing order for a car loan, starting on
5th March, 199 for 12 months, for an amount of £51.37, which is debited
monthly from the Account Natwest. To set this up type the following:
Start date: 05/03/1993
End date: 05/03/1994
Type: CARL (this is the Type you set up earlier)
Reconciled: * (this option will be explained later)
Frequency: 1 (this is the number of times the transaction
occurs, in months, weeks or days, depending on the
setting of the adjacent cycle button). Set the adjacent
frequency cycle button to Months.
The From and To boxes should contain the code for the Account the
transaction is being debited From or credited To. When you set up the
Account "Natwest current" you used the "Account code" NC. Since this loan
is debited from "Natwest current", use the From box.
From: NC (Leave the To box blank)
Reference: Loan for Mini
The Debit and Credit boxes are used to enter the amount to be debited or
credited, in this instance the Account is being debited, so use the Debit
Debit: 51.37
The Marker box is like a bookmark and lets you set your own lookup
point. (See Chapter 7.3.5, "Transaction markers" for
detailed information.) Leave the Marker box blank and click Add.
Set up the following regular transaction. It represents your
salary, which is paid every two weeks into your "Natwest
current" Account by direct transfer.
Start Date: 01/03/1993
End Date: 01/03/2000
Type: SAL
Reconciled: *
Frequency: 2
Set the frequency cycle button to Weeks.
To: NC
Reference: Salary
Credit: 312.91
Now click Add. This example illustrates a transaction which is credited
to an Account, whereas previously, you debited FROM an Account.
Now set up this standing order which transfers £60.00 to "Halifax
savings" from "Natwest current" on 15th day of each month. It starts on
15th March, 1993 and lasts for two years.
Start Date: 15/03/1993
End Date; 15/02/1995
Type: TRAN
Reconciled: *
Frequency: 1
Leave the frequency cycle button to the default, Months.
From: NC
To: HS
Debit: 60.00
Click Add.
The Type titled Tran is used exclusively for transferring funds be Money
Matters. When using Tran, you need to tell Money Matters which Account
you are posting from, and which Account you are posting to.
Money Matters only recognises the first three characters, that is TRA.
The fourth character is discretional. This gives you the opportunity if
you wish to analyse several Types of TRAN transactions (for example,
TRA1, TRA2). If you leave the Reference box blank, Money Matters
automatically enters the details of the transaction.
Click Quit.
The "Regular transactions" window will now be updated with the new
Close the window by clicking on the close box.
Like Types, there is a desktop icon, titled Regular which you can
double-click to re-open the window.
4.7 Saving Information
When you created this file, you named it Myfile. As you enter
information into Money Matters, the information will remain in the
computer's memory. Therefore, it is wise to regularly save this
information onto your data disk. Remember to do this at regular intervals
(about every 30 minutes is ideal).
Choose "Save" from the Project menu.
Money Matters has an auto-save facility, whereby you set the time
interval between automatic saving. ( See Chapter 7.7.5, Preferences
for detailed information.)
4.8 Setting up Budgets
Choose the Budget command from the "Set up" menu.
See Figure 4-13 Budget window
With Money Matters you can set up budgets for each Type.
Choose Add from the Edit menu. To set up a budget of £60.00 a month for
petrol, paid by Access credit card, type the following:
Type: PTRL (this is the Type you set up earlier)
Account Code: AC (this is the "Access card" Account you set up
See Figure 4-14 "Add budget item" requester
For each of the months, type 60.00.
The cycle button allows you to budget either income or expenditure
Types. Leave this set to Expenditure.
Click Add. Now set up another budget of £30.00 a month for clothes:
Type: CL
Account Code: NC
Rather than entering the same figure for each month, you can just enter
one figure and then let Money Matters copy it into every month for you.
To do this, type 30.00 and press the Return key. Now highlight the first
month by clicking it and then click Replicate. 30.00 should now appear in
each month.
Leave the cycle button to the default, Expenditure, and click Add.
Now you need to budget for personal cash withdrawals, say £80.00 a
Press F9. This provides a simple reminder of the Types and their
descriptions (you can also press F9 to remind you of the Account Codes).
See Figure 4-15 Types 'reminder' requester
From the list you can see that the Type you need is titled Cash.
Click Cash. The Type requesters disappear returning you to the "Add
budget item" requester.
Account Code: ** (This lets you budget over multiple Accounts).
Type 80.00 in the first month and press the Return key. Now highlight
the first month and click Replicate. Leave the cycle button to the
default, Expenditure, and click Add.
Now enter the following budgets, leaving the cycle button to the
default, using the replication facility where possible. Remember to click
Add after each budget.
Type Code Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec
HK NC 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50
TAX NC 0 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 0
HOBB NC 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30
COMP NC 12 12 12 12 12 20 20 20 20 12 12 12
CARE ** 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50
HOLI NC 0 0 0 0 0 200 0 0 0 0 0 0
CDS NC 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 0 0
GIFT NC 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 80 20 20
ENT NC 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20
Click Quit; the budget window will reappear with all the new budget
See Figure 4-16 Budget window
If you have made any mistakes, double-click the appropriate
budget to make any corrections.
Double-check that the figures you have entered correspond exactly with
figure 4-16.
Close the budget window. As before, there is a desktop icon representing
Budget .
4.9 The Calculator
On the System menu you will notice the Calculator command. On the right
side of the command appears the keyboard shortcut, <AMIGA>C. This means
that you can choose Calculator without using the mouse by holding down
the Right Amiga key and pressing C. Many of the menu commands may be
chosen this way.
Choose Calculator from the System menu, or press Right AMIGA-C
See Figure 4-17 Calculator requester
Click the the buttons 1 2 3 * 7 + 100 =
The top box is the calculator display. The box below shows the history
of the last 5 calculations. It's just like a printing electronic
You can also type numbers using the keyboard. Try typing 56 * 24-17 and
then press the Return key (or Enter).
Click C to clear the display. Now click AC to clear the history window.
4.10 The Interest Calculator
With the Calculator still displayed, click the I button.
See Figure 4-18 "Interest calculator" requester
This is a simple loan calculator and provides estimates of loan costs.
Because credit card companies, finance companies and banks use a
multitude of ways to calculate interest, such as daily interest, monthly,
compound and so on, it may not be precisely accurate.
"Opening balance" is for entering the starting balance for the
transaction, Periods is the time period measurement (either years, months
or weeks), "Interest rate %" is the interest rate % per period and the
Payment is the payment per period.
For example, if you had a credit card balance of -600 (that is you owe
£600), and you can afford to pay off the debt at £40 a month. The
interest rate is 1.76% a month. You want to estimate the outstanding
balance after five months.
"Opening balance": -600.00
Periods: 5
"Interest rate %": 1.7600
Payment : 40.00
Now click Calc, the calculated balance will be -443.88. This represents
the outstanding balance after five months. Click Exit and then Quit to
return to the desktop.
4.11 Entering Transactions
step 1
Double-click the Natwest icon on the desktop.
See Figure 4-19 "Natwest current account" window
The entries are postings of the "Regular transactions" you set up
earlier. The transactions have been automatically back- dated to 1st
March, 1993. Notice the opening balance is displayed in the window title.
step 2
Choose Add from the Edit menu.
This requester is used to enter the day-to-day transactions which go
through your bank Account. In this example, the transaction relates to a
pair of trousers costing £24.87 that you purchased using your Natwest
Current Account. When entering transactions, enter the date of the
transaction, as opposed to the current or system date.
See Figure 4-20 "Add manual transactions" requester
step 3
Type the following:
Date: 01/03/1993
Type: CL
Reconciled: Leave this box blank.
The Reconciled box tells Money Matters whether or not a transaction has
been reconciled with a bank statement. It may be used in a number of
different ways which will be covered later in this tutorial.
Reference: New jeans
The "Ref number" box is used if the transaction was paid by cheque. You
can enter this manually, or press F8 to automatically insert the next
consecutive number.
Ref number: Press the F8 key.
This will insert the cheque number you set up earlier when you created
the Account "Natwest current" (765534). Debit: 24.87
Leave the Credit box empty (you use the Debit box to pay out money, or
the Credit box to pay in money to your Account).
Leave the M box empty (this is for setting your own reference
marker). ( See Chapter 7.3.5, "Transaction markers" for
detailed information.)
Click Add, and then type these transactions:
Date Type Reconciled Reference Chq No. Debit Credit M
---------- ----- ---------- ------------ -------- ----- ------ -
03/03/1993 CASH Cash Machine 20.00
05/03/1993 CARE New Battery 765535 23.67
06/03/1993 GIFT John Birthday 765536 12.94
08/03/1993 HK Housekeeping 765537 50.00
12/03/1993 CDS Compact Discs 765538 10.99
13/03/1993 CASH Cash Machine 20.00
15/03/1993 HOBB Fishing Rod 765539 22.91
18/03/1993 CASH Cash Machine 20.00
27/03/1993 CASH Cash Machine 20.00
Click Quit; The new transactions appear in the window.
See Figure 4-21 "Natwest current account" window
Amending a transaction is simple. First, click the transaction with the
reference "Fishing rod" to highlight it. Then either choose Amend from
the Edit menu or click the Amend button. (You can also amend a
transaction by double-clicking.)
From the requester select the Debit box, and change the amount to 26.91
and click OK.
Choose the Add (Edit menu) and type this transaction:
Date: 20/03/1993
Type: BOOK
Reference: Great Expectations
"Chq number":
Debit: 8.95
Click Add. An alert box appears to tell you that the Type Book has not
been set up. Click OK. You can set up the new Type from this window.
Press F9.
See Figure 4-22 Types 'reminder' window
Click Add and then enter BOOK and Literature books for the Reference.
Click Add and then click Quit. The Types will appear with Book added to
the list. Now click the Type Book. The new Type will appear in the "Add
manual transaction" requester. Now click Add.
The F9 key shortcut is available in a numbers of areas of the
program (such as "Regular transactions" and Budget
requesters). ( See Chapter 7.3.6, "Regular transactions"
detailed information.)
Imagine this scenario...
You visit a store and purchase some motor oil and a bottle of wine (a
birthday gift). You pay by cheque.
You have purchased two items with one payment, therefore the transaction
needs to be split over two Types, namely CARE (Car Expenses) and GIFT
Money Matters has a special Type called SPLT, which allows you to do
this. Using this example, enter:
Date: 21/03/1993
Type: SPLT
See Figure 4-23 "Split manual transactions" requester
You can spread one transaction over a maximum of 20 Types.
With the the top Type box highlighted enter:
Type Reference Amount
------ ---------- ----------
CARE Oil 7.95
GIFT Wine 6.25
The "Total entered" should be 14.20. Leave the Debit radio button
selected. Click OK. 14.20 has been inserted into the Debit box.
Leave the Reconciled box empty.
Reference: Hamilton Store
Ref number: 765540
Click Add, then click Quit and close the window.
Double-click the Access icon and add these transactions:
Date Type Reconciled Reference Chq Number Debit Credit M
---------- ----- ----------- ------------ ----------- ------ ------- -
03/03/1993 PTRL * Petrol 12.96
11/03/1993 PTRL * Petrol 14.77
17/03/1993 PTRL * Petrol 8.93
24/03/1993 PTRL * Petrol 17.41
Click Quit. The transactions appear in the "Access card" window. They
are displayed in red (only on colour systems), this indicates that the
balance for this Account is below zero.
Click the window scroll bar to display the right side of the screen.
Notice the balance is negative, with a total balance of -54.07.
Scroll the window to the left back to its original position and add this
Date Type Reconciled Reference Chq Number Debit Credit M
---------- ----- ----------- ------------ ----------- ------ ------- -
27/03/1993 CARI * Insurance 500.00
Click Add.
When you originally set up the "Access account" you set the "Minimum
balance" to 500, therefore the alert tells you the Account has dropped
below that balance. Click OK, then click Quit.
Now delete the previous transaction. Click the transaction (to highlight
it) and then choose Delete from the Edit menu. You will be asked to
confirm the deletion, click Proceed.
4.12 Setting Transaction Window Display Headers.
With Money Matters you can customise the display to your preference.
To remove the "Ref number" column choose "Window headers" from the "Set
up" menu.
The check boxes allow you to switch the headers (and their contents) on
or off.
See Figure 4-24 "Manual transactions window headers" requester
Switch the headers "Ref Number" and M off by clicking the check boxes
(the ticks should disappear). Click OK; the window reappears in the new
You can customise every window if you wish and Money Matters will
automatically remember the header settings for each Account. However, the
information contained in each heading will be retained, although it is
not displayed.
Choose Sort from the Edit menu. Like Types, you can set the box with
which you wish to sort, and the sort order. This is the same for Types,
Markers, "Regular transactions", Budget, Investments and "VAT codes".
Click Cancel.
Previously, when you set up the Access Account, you used the Notepad
facility. The Notepad is also available for Types, Markers, "Regular
transactions", Budget, Investments and "VAT codes".
Click the first transaction and choose Amend from the Edit menu. With
the "Amend manual transaction" requester displayed, press F10. The
Notepad allows you to make notes for this transaction.
Click Cancel, and then click Cancel again to leave the requester
Close the window and choose the "Add or amend" command from the Trans
menu. Click "Natwest current account". As you can see, this operates the
same way as double-clicking the desktop Natwest icon.
4.13 Finding Transactions
From the Edit menu choose the Find command.
See Figure 4-28 "Find manual
transactions" requester
In the Reference box type CASH MACHINE and press the Return key. Set the
Reference check box to on (this tells Money Matters you wish to search
only the Reference part of your transactions). Click OK. Money Matters
will now search through all transactions in "Natwest current account"
which have the word Cash Machine in their Reference box.
The first transaction found is highlighted. To search for the
next transaction choose "Find again" from the Edit menu.
Repeat this procedure until the screen flashes, indicating
there are no more entries.
Choose the Find command and from the "Find manual transactions"
requester, experiment with different search combinations. This command is
particularly useful, especially when you have been using Money Matters
for several months and you wish to search through hundreds of
4.14 Finding and Replacing Transactions
Choose "Find and replace" from the Edit menu. A box similar to the Find
requester will appear. On the right side of the title bar (find) is
displayed, indicating that this is where you enter your search criteria.
Notice that Money Matters has remembered your last search criteria (when
using the Find command).
Click OK. Another similar box appears. In the title bar (replace) is
displayed, indicating that this is where you enter the information you
want to replace.
In the Reference box enter Cashpoint machine and set the corresponding
check box on.
The three radio buttons at the bottom of the requester perform these
------------------ ---------------------------------------------
Replace once Find first transaction and replace it.
Confirm replace Find all transactions, but confirm each replace.
Replace all Replace all transactions.
Click "Confirm replace" and then click OK.
Click Yes to confirm the replacement and the word Cash Machine will be
replaced with Cashpoint Machine and the same alert box will reappear to
confirm each replacement. Click Yes at each alert. The screen will flash
to indicate that no more transactions can be found.
4.15 Reconciling Transactions
Notice that some of the transactions have not been included in the
running balance figure. This is because these transactions are not
reconciled, and therefore are not included in the total balance.
Unreconciled transactions appear without an asterisk (*) in the left
There are ways to customise reconciliation to suit your personal
preference and this is explained a little later in this tutorial.
In principle, you should reconcile each transaction as it appears on
your bank or credit card statement. You then have a method of monitoring
which transactions have cleared and those which are still outstanding.
Therefore, you know the TRUE balance of your Account.
To reconcile an individual transaction (when it appears on your
statement), highlight the transaction and then use the Amend command
(Edit menu), and enter * in the Reconciled box. A quicker method is to
press and hold the Alt key and click the transaction you wish to
Try this with the transaction FISHING ROD . Notice an asterisk (*)
appears to indicate the transaction is now reconciled and the balance is
updated to reflect the value. Repeat the process, as this is a toggle
command, the transaction will revert to being unreconciled.
Choose Reconcile from the Trans menu.
See Figure 4-29
"Reconcile/unreconcile manual transactions" requester
This command is used to search transactions between date ranges and then
globally reconcile or unreconcile. You also have the option to confirm
each transaction for reconciliation if you wish (particularly useful for
bank statements).
Type the following:
Start Date: 01/03/1993
End Date: 05/03/1993
The Reconcile radio button should be selected and the check box to
"Confirm each one" set on.
Click OK and, as prompted, click Yes to confirm each reconciliation.
You can also ask Money Matters to calculate which transactions should be
reconciled. Your own bank statements, will contain the following
* The date of first transaction ("Start date").
* The date of last transaction ("End date").
* The Account balance ("Target balance").
* The number of transactions ("Number of transactions").
Choose "Auto balance" from the Trans menu and enter:
Start Date: 01/03/1993
End Date: 15/03/1993
Target balance: 322.04
Number of Transactions: 10
Click OK. Notice that some of the transactions are now reconciled. Money
Matters has evaluated all of the transactions you entered, between the
two dates, and established a combination of 10 transactions that total
the "Target balance" figure.
Occasionally, a reconciliation may be wrong, particularly if you have
several transactions of the same amount. In this case, you use the "Auto
balance again" command (Trans menu) and Home Accounts2 will attempt to
reconcile again, using a different combination (unless there are no more
combinations possible).
If the "Auto balance" fails, this is probably because you made a mistake
when you entered transactions. (See Section 4.6, "Setting
up Regular Transactions" and Section 4.11, "Entering
4.16 Setting Transaction Defaults
Choose "set defaults" from the Trans menu.
See Figure 4-30 "Manual transactions
default" requester
With a program like Money Matters you spend much of your time entering
transactions. To make this process as efficient as possible, Money
Matters offers many defaults, which you can personalise to your
With the Type, Reconciled, Amount and M (Marker) boxes you have three
options :
* No default.
*Your own Default.
* Default to the entry of the previous transaction "last entered"
For example, to set the default type to HK, enter HK in the text box and
leave the adjacent check box ("last entered") off. To set the default
type to the previous entry, switch the "Last entered" check box on.
The Date and Reference boxes have associated cycle buttons and check
boxes. With these you have four options :
* No default
* Your own default
* Default to entry of previous transaction ("Last entered")
* Default to "system date".
* Reference default to "Type reference".
The "system date" is the date you set when you first start Money
Matters. The type reference is the reference you enter for each type. For
example, earlier when you set up the type CL, you entered the reference
Click Cancel.
4.17 Function Keys
From the "Set up" menu choose "Function keys".
See Figure 4-31 "Set function keys"
This is another time-saving facility. You can program up to 20 common
words or phrases. Ten for the key combination Control-Function key and
ten for Alt-Function key. You cannot program a direct Function keypress
(for example, F3), as these contain keyboard short-cuts for Money
For example, the reference CASH MACHINE may be used regularly, and you
can program this word into a Function key so that whenever you wish to
enter CASH MACHINE you just press the appropriate Function key
In the Control box type CASH MACHINE and in the Alt box enter HOUSE
Control-F1 is now set to CASH MACHINE and Alt-F1 to HOUSE KEEPING.
To change the Function key (currently set to F1), click the Function key
icon and overtype in the appropriate text box. Now click OK.
Press Right Amiga-A (or choose Add from the Edit menu). Move down to the
Reference box using the Down Arrow, or press the Return key.
With the Reference box highlighted, press Control-F1. Money Matters will
automatically enter CASH MACHINE into the box. Press the Return key and
highlight the Reference box again. Now press Alt-F1, the word HOUSE
KEEPING appears.
Press the Return key, click Quit and then close the window to return to
the desktop.
4.18 Setting up Investments.
Choose Investments from the "Set up" menu.
This is a simple way to keep track of investments, such as Company
shares, unit Trusts and so on.
Choose Add from the Edit menu and enter the following:
Reference Quantity Unit Price
----------------------- ------------ ------------------
Acme PLC 100 2.37
Banana plantation 300 8.27
Fiscom PLC 500 1.97
Click Quit; the window will display the list of the investments and
their current value. This figure will be included when calculating a "Net
worth" report.
4.19 Multiple Windows
Choose "Transaction types" command from the "Set up" menu and choose
Budget from the "Set up" menu.
Resize and move the Budget window downwards by dragging its title bar.
The Types and Investment window behind should now be visible. Money
Matters lets you have many windows open simultaneously.
Choose the Add command from the Edit menu, and, as you would expect,
since the Budget window is the front-most window, the "Add budget item"
requester appears. Now click Quit.
Click the front-to-back gadget in the Types window to bring it to the
front and choose Add again from the Edit menu. Now the "Add types"
requester appears. Click Quit.
The menu commands always operate on the active window.
4.20 Arranging Windows
Occasionally, if you open multiple windows, the desktop can become
muddled. Money Matters has a command which lets you decide the window
Choose "Arrange windows" from the Options menu.
Select "Tiled vertically", and then click OK. The windows will now
appear one above the other. Try experimenting with the "Arrange windows"
Close each window using the window closer.
Money Matters remembers the dimensions of each window, so when you re-
open a window it will appear the same size as when you closed it.
4.21 Amiga Workbench Icons
With Money Matters you have the option to display icons on the desktop
for menu commands and Accounts. The default icons are:
Printer, Help, Calculator, Types, Markers, Regular, Budget, Investment
and Dustbin.
As you set up Accounts, further icons appear to represent them:
Bank, Savings, Credit Card and Cash.
Another icon, Tax, appears if you are tax or VAT registered.
You double-click the icon to select the Account or command.
Experiment by dragging a few of the icons around the screen, but take
care not to drag icons over the Dustbin or Printer icons.
Now choose "Clean up desktop" from the Options menu. This command neatly
rearranges the icons.
4.22 Setting up your Printer.
Before you can experiment with the reporting options, you need to set up
your printer. Choose Preferences from the Options menu.
Money Matters uses the printer preferences as you have set up in your
Amiga System Preferences.
"Spooler buffer size": This lets you set aside memory for background
printing. By default, this is set to zero. If you have 1MB or more of
RAM, set this to about 20 (Kb). Background printing, as the name
suggests, lets you use Money Matters and print, simultaneously.
"Page length": Set this to the number of lines per page for the paper
you are using, 11" paper is 66 lines, 12" paper is 72 lines, A4 paper is
70 lines.
"Top margin": Set this to the number of lines to feed at the top of each
page before printing.
"Bottom margin": Set this to the number of lines to skip over at the
bottom of each page.
"Page width": Set this to the width of your paper (characters), in 10
Pitch you would use 80, or 132 for a wide carriage printer.
"Left margin": Set this to the number of characters space for the left
"Cut sheet": Pauses printing at the end of each page.
"Print quality": Select required print quality (draft or NLQ).
Click OK.
4.23 Reports
From the Reports menu choose Types.
Whenever you choose a command from the Reports menu, you have the option
to view the report on the screen, print it or save the report as a file
on disk. You can also change the report layout by clicking the Formats
button. With this tutorial, set the radio button to Screen or Printer.
Click OK.
A list of the Types (for income and expenditure) you set up earlier will
appear. Experiment with the Budget and "Regular transactions" reports.
The only reports not selectable (they are ghosted) are Markers, "VAT
codes", VAT. This is because you have not entered any information
relating to these commands.
Choose "Account summary" from the Report menu. This reports lists the
Accounts and provides two balances:
"Reconciled balance": The current balance of the Account.
"Unreconciled balance": The Account balance with all transactions
Choose "Account statement" from the Reports menu and click the graph
style you want (list, line graph, or scatter graph).
The two boxes "Start date" and "End date" let you set a date range to
search within.
Click the Options button. You can define more criteria for your report.
To: Screen, Printer or File, Include: Reconciled and Unrecociled
transactions, Show Credits or Debits. You can also define specific
Accounts, Types and Markers clicking the appropriate buttons. The
Reference box lets you search for all or part of a reference.
Click the Types button. You can use this list box to select the Type on
which you wish to search.
Click on individual Types to highlight them or click "Select all".
"Reset all" will deselect all Types. If the "All types" check box is
selected, then all Types will be included in the search, regardless of
the selection in the list box.
The same selection principle applies to the Accounts and Markers (the
Markers button should be ghosted since no Markers have been set up).
Experiment with the various search options.
From the reports menu choose "Income and expenditure".
The requester is similar to the "Account statement". Experiment with the
various options. You will find this particularly useful to calculate
totals for income and expenditure.
From the Reports menu choose "Transactions list". This report lists all
of the transactions that you have typed into Money Matters. It provides a
computer audit trail.
From the Reports menu choose "Budget progress".
With this report you can compare your budgeted and actual expenditure.
At the end of each report, a forecast Account balance appears.
From the Reports menu choose Portfolio. This report gives a summary of
all investments and their current value.
From the Reports menu choose "Net worth". Click the Assets button. You
can enter up to 20 assets and their value. Add the following:
Reference Amount
----------- -------
House 120000
Boat 10000
Click OK and then click Liabilities. Type:
Reference Amount
----------- --------
Outstanding loan 75200
Car Loan 850
Click OK.
This report provides a list of all assets (investments and positive
Account balances), and all liabilities (loans and negative Account
Assets and Liabilities will be automatically saved with your file.
4.24 Set Preferences
The Settings Menu lets you personalise Money Matters.
Create Icons?: Switch this command off if you do not want icons created
when you save your file.
Icons: To show or hide desktop icons and change their titles.
Clean Up Desktop: Arranges icons into a neat order on the desktop.
Arrange Windows: Organises, windows into a neat order.
File: To set default drawer, default file, autosave, backup file and
save projections.
Printer: To set the page settings (you covered this earlier).
Screen Mode: Choose screen mode (resolution and number of colours).
Colours: To select your preferred cocktail colour palette.
General: Dates, transaction options, and VAT.
Goodies: Sound, clock, and screen saver.
You can use the Load, Save and "Save as" commands to store and retrieve
various preference settings.
There are six demonstration files supplied on your program disk which
will illustrate how Money Matters may be configured. They include:
DEMO.MM - The tutorial file you have just run through.
SINGLE.MM - Single person, living with family at home.
MARRIED.MM - Married couple, with own home.
BUSINESS.MM - Self employed, small business person.
STUDENT.MM - Student living in rented accommodation.
TEENAGER.MM - Teenager, living with parents.
Chapter 5 Looking After Your Finances
This chapter provides basic guidelines for good financial housekeeping,
handling debt and ideas on how to set up and use Money Matters.
* The secret to good housekeeping.
* Getting credit.
* Credit guide.
* Tips for better borrowing.
* Cancelling a loan.
* General tips.
* Debt - a survival guide.
* Using Money Matters.
5.1 The secret to good housekeeping
5.1.1 Plan your Budget, Budget you Spending
The best way to ensure that you live within your means is to work out
your personal budget.
Use Money Matters to budget and monitor all your spending. The money
coming in and a budget planner of all your expenditure. Money Matters will
work out how much you have left over at the end of each month or week.
Remember that you will probably want to spend some of the money 'left
over' on other things.
If you borrow or get a loan, you will have to pay for it from this
available money. If you borrow money, the repayment may mean you cannot
afford something else.
Remember, if you get behind with repayments on a loan, you'll find it
hard to borrow again. Not just to buy things, but for something as
important as a mortgage.
Most people get into debt because things change. Suddenly there's not as
much money coming in and they can't repay their loans. For example, you
may have to find extra cash if the interest rates go up.
Study this simple checklist...
5.1.2 Budget Checklist
Complete this form with your monthly figures. You can then calculate
your monthly surplus income.
Wages - your pay
Wages - overtime
Wages - your partner's pay
Social Security Benefits
Maintenance Payment
Retirement Pension
Other Pension
Any Other Income (for example, from a lodger)
~~~~~~~~~ AMOUNT
Community Charge
Water Rates
Credit Card
Rental Agreements (for example, TV, video)
Other (for example, hire purchase)
Food and Clothing
TV Licence
Car Tax/insurance/Maintenance
Life Insurance
Entertainment (for example, cinema, videos)
Others (for example, cigarettes, pocket money)
5.2 Getting Credit
When you ask for credit, you will probably have to fill in a form about
yourself, your income and your outgoings. Answer honestly. You are doing
yourself no favours, and breaking the law, if you make out that you're
better off than you really are. You'll be the loser if you take on more
credit than you can manage.
If you are on a tight budget, make sure your loan is a fixed interest
loan, so that you will know exactly how much you will have to repay each
Shop around for credit terms, like you shop around for the goods. Check
there isn't a catch. You may be able to buy more cheaply elsewhere. And
take your time - you can't back out of an agreement signed in a shop.
Look out for the APR. As a general guide, the lower the APR, the less
the deal will cost you. If someone is offering interest free credit, the
repayments must not add up to more than the cash.
Use Money Matters to add up all your regular outgoings. Allow for extras
like presents, holidays and emergencies, such as a car or washing machine
If you act as a guarantor for somebody else's loan, you will have to pay
all they owe if they stop paying. Don't be a guarantor unless you can
afford the risk. If you agree to be one make sure that you see all the
5.3 Credit Guide
You pay a deposit and monthly or weekly payments. The goods belong to
you when you make the last payment.
Credit Sale
Like HP but you own the goods at once. Credit deals are tricky. Don't
just accept what the sales staff say. Ask for a written quotation (you
must be given one if you ask). Then read it at home. It will tell you all
you need to know and make it easier to compare deals.
Credit Cards
The credit card company sends a monthly account for what you've bought.
You can pay it off or make a minimum repayment and pay interest. It can
be an expensive way of borrowing.
Company credit cards: Beware, you may be liable for the debt if the
company is unable to pay the bill.
Charge Cards
You use it like a credit card but you must pay the bill in full each
Store Cards
Like credit cards, but for use in a particular store or group of stores.
It can be an expensive form of credit.
Bank Loans
If you have a bank account, an overdraft can be a quick, easy, but not
necessarily a cheap loan. You have to pay bank charges and there may be
other costs. Beware of hidden charges, such as arrangement fees. Banks
can also offer personal and other loans. The costs of borrowing will vary
from bank to bank, so shop around.
Building Society Loans
If you are buying your home, you might be able to raise cash by
increasing your mortgage. If you're not happy with the interest charges,
see if it's worth switching your mortgage somewhere else. This can be
expensive though. Some societies offer unsecured loans.
Finance Company Loans
Shops, car dealer and gas and electricity boards may offer to arrange a
finance company loan if you're buying a big item. Shop around first to
see if you can get a better deal.
Mail Order Catalogues
Saves time and travelling. You usually get at least 20 weeks interest
free credit. You may have to pay interest if you want to pay over a
longer period for more costly items.
You leave an article such as a piece of jewellery in return for a loan.
You get the item back when you've repaid the loan plus interest over an
agreed period. If you don't repay the money, the article will be sold. It
can be an expensive way to borrow.
Small Moneylenders
Can be expensive way to borrow because of the cost of collecting the
repayments from your home each week. However, it should be cheaper if you
pay at the lender's office.
Credit Unions
Money co-ops run by people in the same church, club, street or with
something else in common. Members save regularly and can get cheap loans.
5.4 Tips for better borrowing.
Over-commit your budget before you take out a loan, work out a monthly
budget to be sure you are not over- stretching your income.
Anticipate a future increase in income.
Be pressured to take finance by a salesman.
Offer security without knowing what happens if you cannot repay.
Take credit on impulse.
What the repayments are and how many you must make.
The total amount you must repay, including fees.
What may happen if you cannot afford the repayments.
DO !
Budget your spending: Know how much you need to spend each month and
work out how much you will have left.
Remember that if interest rates go up, your repayments may increase.
Shop around for the best deal.
Make sure the lending institution is reliable and has a good reputation.
Consider taking out finance insurance.
Read the fine-print if you don't understand it, say so.
Keep all documentation relating to your borrowing, you may need it.
Check your statements to monitor your spending.
Tell your finance company if your circumstances change.
Find out whether the agreement can be cancelled.
5.5 Cancelling a Loan
You can cancel some agreements and not others. It is vital to check the
credit form. If you can cancel there should be a box titled "Your Right
To Cancel" which tells you what to do.
You can't cancel if you signed in the trader's shop, office or other
business premises such as an exhibition stand. You can cancel if you met
the trader to discuss the deal and you signed at home.
* Unless you can see the cancellation box on the agreement, don't
believe anyone who says you've got time to think the deal over.
* Beware of phone calls. You can't cancel a deal arranged on the phone,
even if you signed at home.
* If you cancel a loan tying you to buy, for example, double glazing,
you don't have to have the double glazing.
* You can still cancel after the goods have arrived.
* If you've paid a deposit, you'll get it back.
Hire purchase: You cannot end an HP agreement unless you're up to date
with your payments. You will have to pay at least half of the total
amount that you owe. You cannot sell HP goods until the agreement has
been paid off.
Credit cards: If you use a British credit card to purchase something
over £100, you have extra rights if something goes wrong. If you lose
your card, tell the card company at once by phone and then in writing.
This will limit your liability to £50 if someone else is using your card.
Settling a loan Facility
If you want to settle early, ask the loan company how much it will cost.
This will depend on what you owe, the interest rate and how long the
agreement is meant to last. You'll probably have to pay some of the
interest you would have paid if the agreement ran its full length.
5.6.1 Load Insurance
This offers protection to cover your monthly repayment in the event of
illness, accident, involuntary unemployment or even death. If you want
this kind of insurance, you might get it cheaper elsewhere. Some policies
don't cover self-employed, part-time workers or certain age groups (for
example, pensioner).
5.6.2 Annual Percentage Rate
APR stands for Annual Percentage Rate of charge. All lenders must work
it out in the same way so you can make a fair comparison. APR doesn't
just cover the interest rate, but also all the charges associated with
the loan.
5.6.3 What to do if you are Turned Down for Credit
Traders don't have to give you credit or tell you why. They may have
checked your details with a Credit Reference Agency. These firms collect
financial information about people and businesses. Agencies don't say
whether you should have credit, or not. That decision is taken by the
Ask the trader in writing which agency was consulted, but act quickly.
Ask the agency for a copy of the information they have about you. If
there are any mistakes, you can have them put right.
Many traders have a credit scoring system. They give you points
depending on the answers you give to their questions. You'll get credit
if you score enough points. You may pass with one firm but not another.
5.7 Debt - A Survival Guide
Don't stop paying. Even if you have a major complaint about the goods,
don't stop your payments. See the trader at once.
5.7.1 If you get into too much Debt
Contact your creditors. Don't ignore their letters or demands. Provided
you tell them what's happening, you should find them quite reasonable.
Consider their point-of-view. If they hear nothing, you become a
statistic, a bad debt. Their legal department takes over.
However, if you keep them informed and illustrate that you recognise
that there is a problem and that you are trying to sort it out, you
should find them accommodating. You should be treated like a person, not
a legal statistic. By co- operating with your creditors, you may be able
to even pause or re-schedule your repayments
5.7.2 Six step Emergency Plan
* Work out your income. This is how much money you have coming in each
month. Include your take-home pay, any social security payments and
money from other sources.
* Work out your outgoings. Calculate the cost of your essentials each
month. Include your rent or mortgage, gas, electricity, food and so on.
Don't forget occasional payments like shoe repairs or haircuts. List
luxury items like video rentals or cigarettes. Also note your present
instalment payments on any hire purchase or credit arrangements.
* Compare your income total with the money you have left over to offer
* Still more going out that coming in ????
* If you spend more than your income, try to cut down. You'll have to
make sacrifices.
* Is there anything you can sell to pay your debts (do not sell anything
on which you still owe money). You could contact a creditor with a view
to returning any items being bought on hire-purchase.
* Can you increase your income ????
* Are you receiving all the income you are entitled to ?? Are you paying
too much tax? Can you claim Social Security benefits ?? Can you get an
extra part-time job for a while ???
* Find out how much you owe. List all arrears payments, loans and credit
commitments. Some debts can cause more trouble than others. Deal with
them first. The priorities are:
1. Rent/Mortgage arrears.
2. Community Charge.
3. Fuel Debts (IE - Gas, Electricity)
4. Hire Purchase.
* Talk with your creditors. Send them your budget checklist showing them
your income and outgoings. Explain what offer you can make to pay off
the debt, but don't make an offer you cant afford.
A small but regular payment is better than no payment at all, or one
that you cannot keep up. If the first person in a company you speak to is
unhelpful, be persistent and go higher up. Don't give up.
5.7.3 Borrowing Again to get out of Debt
You may be tempted by newspaper advertisements offering loans to payoff
existing debts. Rates of interest for this type of borrowing can be high.
Don't do this unless you are sure that you can keep up the repayments. In
most cases you have to offer your house as security. If you fail to pay
you could lose the roof over your head!!!
5.7.4 Coping with Debt
* Never ignore demands for payment. It only means worse trouble.
* Tell the lender as soon as you know you are in difficulties and try to
work something out.
* If you're in serious debt now, consult your consumer adviser.
5.7.5 Loan Sharks
* Beware of loan sharks. The cost will be sky-high and if you can't repay
they'll turn nasty.
* Some will use 'press gangs' to threaten you and your family.
* Some will try to take your benefit book. This is illegal.
* Some will force you to have a second loan to repay the first.
Your money problem will become a nightmare.
This section is designed to guide you through setting up your own file
and to give some pointers as to how Money Matters can help with specific
areas of maintaining your finances.
Creating a New File
Before setting up your file you will need the following information:
* A list of headings for your income and expenditure (Types). For
example, salary, food, car expenses.
* Details of your standing orders and direct debits ("Regular
* Details of all the accounts you want to monitor (Accounts). For
example, bank accounts, credit cards, savings.
* Details of any investments, such as unit trusts or shares.
Once you have assembled this information you are ready to set up your
Important: Whenever you load Money Matters, be sure to set the
current date correctly.
Before using Money Matters, you will need to have prepared a blank
formatted disk.
Give the file a meaningful name, and try to include the year in the
filename so it can be easily located in the future. For example,
If you are tax (VAT) registered, use the Preferences command (Option
menu), and from "General Preferences" select the "VAT registered" check
box. Then set up code and rates for tax (VAT).
Once you have created your file, set up the following:
* Income and Expenditure Types. ("Transaction types" command, "Set up"
menu )
* Accounts. ("Add account" command, "Set up" menu.)
* "Regular transactions". ("Regular transactions" command, "Set up"
Now set up your budget.
Make a list of the headings on which you regularly spend money (for
example, motoring expenses, clothing, holidays). Remember to include any
"Regular transactions" (for example, mortgage, loan repayments); Then
make a sensible estimate of the monthly expenditure of each heading.
Now enter this information into Money Matters using the Budget command
("Set up" menu).
Before going any further, save your file using the Save command (Project
Before entering any transactions, go through the Settings menu and
customise them for your needs.
Now open each Account window (by double-clicking the Account icon) and
configure the window headers for each Account. ("Window headers" command,
"Set up" menu.)
Set up the transaction defaults to the most suitable for your
requirements. For example, if you are entering transactions on a daily
basis, set the Date to "System date". ("Set defaults" command, Trans
General Guidelines
* Produce reports, such as the Statement and "Budget progress" regularly,
so any financial problems are illustrated early.
* Use the "Interest calculator" to estimate the interest due on credit
card bills, loans and so on. This will help you plan your finances.
* During the financial year you may wish to adjust your budget. Use the
"Budget progress report" as a guide - it illustrates the difference
between your original budget and your actual expenditure to date.
* Experiment with what-if calculations on your budget figures. For
example, if you are considering a hire purchase, BEFORE you sign the
agreement, enter the figures into your budget and see how do the
repayments will effect your monthly disposable income.
* When you receive a statement for an account (for example, a current
account bank statement), use one of the methods provided with Money
Matters to reconcile the transactions and check that the statement is
correct (banks can make mistakes!)
It's also a good idea to produce a statement of "Unreconciled
transactions" to make sure that a transaction is not taking an
unreasonable time to clear (and to remind yourself of any payments you
have made, but which have yet to clear).
If your statement includes a charge or interest payment, you will need
to account for this by entering the amount as a separate "Manual
* Always monitor the "Account summary" and "Budget progress" reports -
these provide actual and predicted balances. It should provide a timely
warning if you are getting into too much debt.
* Use the "Income and expenditure" report regularly - this will
illustrate the total you are spending and receiving by Type. It
provides a quick method of seeing if, for example, you are paying to
high bank charges.
* If you are tax (VAT) registered, produce a VAT report at the end of
each VAT period - this should provide the totals to complete your VAT
What to do at the end of the year
Month by month, Money Matters will accumulate every transaction to add.
This means, after about one year, the data file will be quite large, At
this time, it is a good idea to create a new data file, A NEW FINANCIAL
When you wish to start entering transactions for a new financial year,
create a new file for the year using a new blank formatted disk. (New
command, Project menu.)
You will be asked if you wish to load an existing configuration from
another file. Click Yes and select the previous year's file from the
When the new file has been created, it will include all the previous
year's information, except "Manual transactions".
You will need to reconcile the remaining transactions in the old file as
your Account statements arrive. Adjust the opening balance of the
Accounts in the new year accordingly.
It is a good idea to keep a copy of the old file so that you can use
Money Matters year-to-year comparative facility ("Open comparatives",
Project menu).
Chapter 6 General
This chapter gives a detailed explanation of the on-screen items.
* The desktop and menus.
* The requesters.
* Editing windows.
* The Notepad.
* The file selector.
6.1 The Desktop
See Figure 6-1 The desktop (with Right Mouse key depressed)
6.1.1 The Menu Bar
The Menu Bar is shown at the top of the screen when the Right Mouse key
is depressed.
To choose a menu, move the arrow pointer over the appropriate menu
(Project menu, for example). The full menu list will pop down.
See Figure 6-2 Choosing commands, pop-down menus
With the full menu list displayed, move the pointer downwards over the
command required. Each command will be highlighted as the pointer moves
down the list. Release the Right Mouse key to choose the required
6.1.2 Icons
When you create a new file with Money Matters, these icons appear on the
------------- -------------------------------------
Printer Print command
Help Help command
Calculator Calculator command
Types "Transaction types" command
Regular "Regular transactions" command
Budget Budget command
Dustbin Delete command
See Figure 6-3 Default icons
These icons provide an alternative way to choose the menu commands.
As you create your own Accounts, for items like your bank Account, for
example, these icons will appear (the Tax icon appears if you set your
preferences to tax registered):
Tax Tax, or VAT command
Cheque Cheque Account
Savings Savings Account
Credit Card Credit card Account
Cash Cash Account
Markers Transaction marker command
Investment investment command
See Figure 6-4 Additional icons
An icon will appear for each Account you set up, the title of which you
decide when you create the Account.
You can arrange all of these icons to your preference. To do this,
highlight each icon and then drag it. Alternatively, choose "Clean up
desktop" (Options menu) and the icons will be arranged automatically.
You can hide or rename the icons by choosing Icons-Preferences command
from the Options menu.
6.1.3 Dustbin
The Dustbin icon appears at the lower left of the screen and works in a
similar way as the trashcan on the Workbench.
You can set Money Matters Dustbin to remember its contents (General-
Preference command, Options menu). Then, if you need to retrieve
anything, you simply double- click the Dustbin and drag the item out of
the Dustbin window (if the item is a transaction, it will be replaced
automatically into the Account from which it was originally removed). If
the Dustbin contains information, it will look like this:
See Figure 6-5 ~Full~ Dustbin icon
The contents of the Dustbin will not be SAVED with your file and will be
emptied if you choose the New command, or open another file.
To empty the Dustbin, choose "Empty Dustbin" from the Edit menu.
You can hide or rename the Dustbin icon by choosing Icons from the
Settings menu.
To move a requester click the white bar at the top and drag the box to
the new location.
You normally move between items on a requester using the mouse. However,
you can also use the keyboard shortcuts by holding down the Ctrl key and
then pressing the letter which is underlined in the title of the item you
6.2.1 Text Entry Boxes
These are boxes into which information can be typed. Delete and
Backspace can be used as normal along with the left and right arrow keys.
If the box is highlighted, whatever you enter will replace the contents.
If you wish to edit the contents of a highlighted box, press F1
---------------------- ---------------------------------
Left Arrow Move cursor left
Right Arrow "" "" right
Up Arrow Move to Previous text box
Down Arrow or Move to next text box
Tab or the Return key
Shift-Left Arrow Move to start of text box
Shift-Right Arrow Move to end of text box
Right Amiga-X Clear text box
Right Amiga-Q Restore text box settings
Control-Right Amiga-Q Restore box to contents before editing.
Backspace Delete character to the left
Delete Delete current character
F1 Edit contents of text box
F2 Toggle between insert and overtype
Enter Move to next text box and can be used to select
the default button to exit a requester
6.2.2 Radio Buttons
These are groups of buttons where only one may be selected.
Selecting another radio button will deselect the previous one, similar
to the buttons on some radios, hence their name. They are used for
presenting a variety of options, only one of which may be selected. For
example, the date format in the General command (Settings menu).
When clicking radio buttons it is unnecessary to position the pointer
precisely over the button. You will notice that clicking the title is
just as effective.
6.2.3 Check Boxes
These are small, square boxes which can be turned on or off by clicking,
their status being shown by a check (tick) mark within the box. For
example, the VAT registered option in the General command (Settings
6.2.4 Cycle Buttons
These are buttons which show their currently selected format and, when
clicked, cycle through a sequence of format options. For example, the
Header and Order boxes in the Sort requester (Sort command, Edit menu).
6.2.5 List Boxes
These are large boxes which present a list from which a selection is
made by clicking on one item. If the list contains more items than can be
shown, you can scroll through the list using the scroll bars and scroll
arrows on the right of the list box. For example, the Help requester
(System menu).
In some list boxes, you can select an item and perform a command at the
same time by double-clicking the item. For example, if you double-click a
file from the list box in the "Open file" requester, Money Matters will
open the file.
Some list boxes, mostly those which appear in the report options, let
you make several selections. For example, using the "Account Statement"
command, you can configure the report to print from several Accounts by
selecting each Account from the list box.
See Figure 6-6 Help list box
PAGE 100
Requesters may have other buttons which can be clicked to perform
certain operations. One of these buttons will have a double border, which
is the default. The default button can be selected either by clicking or
pressing Enter. The Cancel button will always close the requester and
will disregard any information entered.
6.2.6 Alert Boxes
Alert boxes appear to display warnings, errors or simple questions which
require a simple response. For example, "Warning file already exists do
you want to overwrite?"
PAGE 101
6.3 Editing Windows
In many parts of Money Matters, a window appears which lists the current
transactions or entries
See Figure 6-7 An Account window
These windows all operate in the same way.
---------------------- ------------------------------------------
Single click Highlight Entry
Double-click Edit Entry
Shift-Double-click Add Entry
Down Arrow Scroll Down
Up Arrow Scroll Up
Shift-Down Arrow Scroll Down a Page
Shift-Up Arrow Scroll Up a Page
Alt-single-click Toggles entry reconciled or unreconciled
(Account windows only)
To move a window, click the bar at the top and drag the window to the
new location.
When you close a window, Money Matters remembers the size and position.
If you re-open the window, it appears the same size and in the same
location as when you closed it.
PAGE 102
6.4 The NotePad
A Notepad facility is provided so that you can enter extra information.
For example, you may wish to add a few notes about your bank Account (the
manager's name, phone number and so on).
Notepads are available by pressing F10, whenever you Add or Amend:
Accounts "Transaction types", Markers, "Regular transactions", Budget,
Investments, "VAT codes"
The Notepad requester appears.
See Figure 6-8 notepad requester
Up to eight lines of information may be typed for each Notepad. One
Notepad is provided per item.
You can call up the Notepad by pressing F10. To print a Notepad, when
printing a report, click the Format button and from the Body requester
select "Show Notepad".
6.5 The File Selector
See Figure 6-9 ~Open file~ requester
The large list box shows all files and drawers (subdirectories, labelled
(Drawer)), in the currently selected drawer. Below are three boxes,
Drawer and File. At the bottom are four buttons: OK, Volumes Cancel and
To select a file click the filename in the listbox, this will update the
File box. Clicking a Drawer in the list box will show the contents of
that drawer and the Drawer text box will be updated to show the disk and
drawer names separated by a colon (:).
Further drawers may be accessed in the same way and will be separated by
a slash (/) when added to the Drawer text box. To move back to the
previous drawer level click the Parent button.
Another way to select the drawer or filename is to type the drawer and
filename directly into the appropriate boxes.
In the File text box you type the name of the file you wish to open.
However, you can insert a filename automatically by clicking the name you
require in the list box. If you double-click a filename in the list box,
Money Matters will automatically open the file.
When you open a file, Money Matters will check if any "Regular
transactions are due and process them if necessary. If, as a result, an
Account exceeds the minimum or maximum balance warnings, you set, a
warning will appear.
PAGE 104
Chapter 7 Menu Commands
This chapter gives a detailed explanation of each menu command , in
logical order from left (Project-About) to right (System-Open a New
* Project menu.
* Edit menu.
* "Set up" menu.
* Trans menu.
* Reports menu.
* System menu.
* Settings menu.